Our guiding principle regarding student behavior is based upon Hebrews 13:17 from the Holy Scriptures. Students are expected to be quiet and attentive during class instruction and should not be a disturbance or a distraction to other students. Inappropriate behavior may result in the student being asked to sit out of the class and a parent will be notified. Repeated disrespectful behavior may result in expulsion of a student from the class. While we hope this action would be rarely used, we must reserve the right to expel a student should it ever become necessary. Please no gum, candy, food, or drink (with the exception of water) in the studio room. Food and beverages are permitted in the waiting area. Each student is encouraged to have their own water bottle with their name on it. All students should be responsible to clean up after themselves during their stay in the studio.
" Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch
over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work
will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."
- Hebrews 13:17
We ask that students make every effort to attend all classes they have signed up to take and that includes the class pictures that will be taken in May. Invariably there will be instances that will prevent a student from attending - (ex, illness, family vacations, unexpected emergencies). We respectfully ask that the studio be directly notified in advance of class in the case of a necessary absence. Too many "no shows" without prior notification may result in a student being dropped from a class for the benefit of the others in that class. Attendance will be recorded. Students should plan to arrive ten minutes prior to class time for personal preparation and to avoid tardiness. Our season runs from the begining of September to the end of May. Once you have come on board with the studio, our expectation is that you remain faithfully committed to the studio to the end of May.
Each season starts in September and goes through May. There will be an end of season performance as well as other scheduled performances in nursing homes, retirement centers, etc. Christmas shows may also be scheduled for December. Students will be evaluated for skill level and placed in a class in accordance to their ability. If the student is unable to take the recommended class, then the level before it will be recommended.
If a student needs to drop a class for any reason, the teacher needs to be informed as early as possible.
Changing from one class to another would require staff/teacher approval and must be done before any costume order would be made. Typically, costume orders are placed in early December.
In the event that the studio must be closed due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made on the studio website ( under the Home page. Please check it before leaving home. Each class can have up to four snow days throughout the season. Due to the possibility of the Colvin family needing to close the studio for illness, we will utilize the same four day policy as for snow days. This means if we exceed the four days for either sickness or bad weather for any given class, then we will see about make up lessons. Make up lessons would only be offered for studio closings and not for personal absence.
General Rule: NOTHING BAGGY so body lines may be seen
Ballet - Top Choices: Leotard, Biketard, or Tight fitting cami top (wear on top of leotard or biketard)
Bottom Choices: Sheer dance skirt w/tights (needs to be above the knee in length), Opaque
skirt w/tights (needs to be mid thigh length or shorter), Leggings capris or
ankle length w/tights or footies, or Dance shorts w/tights
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher can
see the student's leg rotation
Extra: Leg warmers, Tight fitting jackets, and Warm-up jackets are permitted but only
during warm up time
Hair: In bun if possible (no hair flying in face)
Revolution brand ballet shoes - orders are made through our studio
Worship - Top Choices: Leotard, Biketard, Tight fitting cami top (wear on top of leotard or
biketard), or Tight fitting sports tank top
Bottom Choices: Sheer dance skirt w/tights (needs to be above the knee), Opaque skirt
w/tights (needs to be mid thigh length or shorter), Leggings capris or
ankle length w/tights or footies, or Dance shorts w/tights
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher
can see the student's leg rotation
Tap & Jazz classes are permitted to wear jazz pants as well
Extra: Leg warmers, Tight fitting jackets, and Warm-up jackets are permitted but only
during warm up time
Hair: Must be pulled up
Appropriate shoes - orders are made through our studio
Top Choices: Male leotard or Tight solid color tank
Bottom Choices: Leggings, Stove pipe pants, Tights, or Dance shorts
Tap, Jazz, and Worship classes are permitted to wear jazz pants as well
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher
can see the student's leg rotation
Extra: Warm-up jackets are permitted but only during warm up time
Hair: Long hair needs to be pulled back
Appropriate shoes - orders are made through our studio
No jewelry permitted except for starter earrings and finger rings.
4-6 yrs. foundation, cheek blush, red lip stick, and may apply copper-brown colored eye
7+ yrs. foundation, cheek blush, red lip stick, copper-brown colored eye shadow, eye liner,
and mascara
4-6 yrs. foundation, cheek blush, may do light colored lip stick
7+ yrs. foundation, cheek blush, light colored lip stick, little bit of eye liner, may do little
(NOTE: Stage makeup is needed when performing as many times stage lighting will make faces appear quite pale.)
We suggest that students bring their own water bottle with their name on it, extra hair bands, hair pins, the appropriate shoes for their class, and a jewelry bag for jewelry that must be removed during class. After the recital song(s) have been revealed, we highly recommend that students bring in a flash drive or a blank CD (NOT a DVD) with their name on it and in a case or holder, so we can burn them a copy which they may use for practicing at home.
On the final lesson of each month parents are invited and encouraged to watch the last 10 minutes of a 45 minute class and the last 15 minutes of an hour class. In that time, we highly welcome anyone to video record their child and the teacher as they run through their performance dance(s). The teacher of Little Gem classes will invite parents to come in at the appropriate time. For all other classes, the parents are welcome to walk in themselves at the appropriate time.
Our guiding principle regarding student behavior is based upon Hebrews 13:17 from the Holy Scriptures. Students are expected to be quiet and attentive during class instruction and should not be a disturbance or a distraction to other students. Inappropriate behavior may result in the student being asked to sit out of the class and a parent will be notified. Repeated disrespectful behavior may result in expulsion of a student from the class. While we hope this action would be rarely used, we must reserve the right to expel a student should it ever become necessary. Please no gum, candy, food, or drink (with the exception of water) in the studio room. Food and beverages are permitted in the waiting area. Each student is encouraged to have their own water bottle with their name on it. All students should be responsible to clean up after themselves during their stay in the studio.
" Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch
over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work
will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."
- Hebrews 13:17
We ask that students make every effort to attend all classes they have signed up to take and that includes the class pictures that will be taken in May. Invariably there will be instances that will prevent a student from attending - (ex, illness, family vacations, unexpected emergencies). We respectfully ask that the studio be directly notified in advance of class in the case of a necessary absence. Too many "no shows" without prior notification may result in a student being dropped from a class for the benefit of the others in that class. Attendance will be recorded. Students should plan to arrive ten minutes prior to class time for personal preparation and to avoid tardiness. Our season runs from the begining of September to the end of May. Once you have come on board with the studio, our expectation is that you remain faithfully committed to the studio to the end of May.
Each season starts in September and goes through May. There will be an end of season performance as well as other scheduled performances in nursing homes, retirement centers, etc. Christmas shows may also be scheduled for December. Students will be evaluated for skill level and placed in a class in accordance to their ability. If the student is unable to take the recommended class, then the level before it will be recommended.
If a student needs to drop a class for any reason, the teacher needs to be informed as early as possible.
Changing from one class to another would require staff/teacher approval and must be done before any costume order would be made. Typically, costume orders are placed in early December.
In the event that the studio must be closed due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made on the studio website ( under the Home page. Please check it before leaving home. Each class can have up to four snow days throughout the season. Due to the possibility of the Colvin family needing to close the studio for illness, we will utilize the same four day policy as for snow days. This means if we exceed the four days for either sickness or bad weather for any given class, then we will see about make up lessons. Make up lessons would only be offered for studio closings and not for personal absence.
General Rule: NOTHING BAGGY so body lines may be seen
Ballet - Top Choices: Leotard, Biketard, or Tight fitting cami top (wear on top of leotard or biketard)
Bottom Choices: Sheer dance skirt w/tights (needs to be above the knee in length), Opaque
skirt w/tights (needs to be mid thigh length or shorter), Leggings capris or
ankle length w/tights or footies, or Dance shorts w/tights
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher can
see the student's leg rotation
Extra: Leg warmers, Tight fitting jackets, and Warm-up jackets are permitted but only
during warm up time
Hair: In bun if possible (no hair flying in face)
Revolution brand ballet shoes - orders are made through our studio
Worship - Top Choices: Leotard, Biketard, Tight fitting cami top (wear on top of leotard or
biketard), or Tight fitting sports tank top
Bottom Choices: Sheer dance skirt w/tights (needs to be above the knee), Opaque skirt
w/tights (needs to be mid thigh length or shorter), Leggings capris or
ankle length w/tights or footies, or Dance shorts w/tights
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher
can see the student's leg rotation
Tap & Jazz classes are permitted to wear jazz pants as well
Extra: Leg warmers, Tight fitting jackets, and Warm-up jackets are permitted but only
during warm up time
Hair: Must be pulled up
Appropriate shoes - orders are made through our studio
Top Choices: Male leotard or Tight solid color tank
Bottom Choices: Leggings, Stove pipe pants, Tights, or Dance shorts
Tap, Jazz, and Worship classes are permitted to wear jazz pants as well
NOTE: It is important that you follow these attire rules so the teacher
can see the student's leg rotation
Extra: Warm-up jackets are permitted but only during warm up time
Hair: Long hair needs to be pulled back
Appropriate shoes - orders are made through our studio
No jewelry permitted except for starter earrings and finger rings.
4-6 yrs. foundation, cheek blush, red lip stick, and may apply copper-brown colored eye
7+ yrs. foundation, cheek blush, red lip stick, copper-brown colored eye shadow, eye liner,
and mascara
4-6 yrs. foundation, cheek blush, may do light colored lip stick
7+ yrs. foundation, cheek blush, light colored lip stick, little bit of eye liner, may do little
(NOTE: Stage makeup is needed when performing as many times stage lighting will make faces appear quite pale.)
We suggest that students bring their own water bottle with their name on it, extra hair bands, hair pins, the appropriate shoes for their class, and a jewelry bag for jewelry that must be removed during class. After the recital song(s) have been revealed, we highly recommend that students bring in a flash drive or a blank CD (NOT a DVD) with their name on it and in a case or holder, so we can burn them a copy which they may use for practicing at home.
On the final lesson of each month parents are invited and encouraged to watch the last 10 minutes of a 45 minute class and the last 15 minutes of an hour class. In that time, we highly welcome anyone to video record their child and the teacher as they run through their performance dance(s). The teacher of Little Gem classes will invite parents to come in at the appropriate time. For all other classes, the parents are welcome to walk in themselves at the appropriate time.